Tokyo 00011


Insights and analysis on the Japan market.

Dentsu mulls sale of its US$3bn Tokyo HQ building

Jan 21, 2021

Interesting article below on the potential sale of Dentsu’s US$3bn HQ building in Tokyo which could become the largest property transaction ever in Japan. This comes on the back of the high-profile sale of Avex's HQ building in Aoyama recently to BentallGreenOak. Is this the start of a wave of sales of real estate holdings by non-real estate companies in Japan? At Nikota, we think it is likely to be, and it is something we have been talking about for a while.

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Aman founder launches new hospitality brand

Oct 20, 2020

As the hospitality industry in Japan starts to see some green shoots, Adrian Zecha, founder of Aman, announces his plans for a new ryokan brand, Azumi. The build out of the brand will be done together with Japanese hospitality group Naru Developments. Their first property will be on an island in the Setouchi area and is due to open in spring 2021.

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Opportunities Ahead

Sep 19, 2020

Interesting article below on PAG and the real estate market in Japan. At Nikota, we expect buy-side opportunities to improve from Q4 this year as large corporates come under pressure from lenders to offload real estate assets and Covid-related government support policies fall away. This should be good news for all investors looking to deploy capital in the Japan market.

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Resilience of the Japanese real estate market

Sep 10, 2020

APAC definitely stands out from a near-term growth potential perspective vs North America and Europe, and within APAC, Japan stands out given it’s the only deep institutional market in the region where investors can still efficiently invest across all the major cities and asset classes, and across the risk curve, despite the current headwinds. In a recent survey conducted by JLL, 56% of fund managers responded that they were looking to increase their real estate exposure to Japan. This was higher than the rates for all the other major markets in APAC.

Click to see the survey results